"Betty" up for Sale


Details of a Simmonds going by the charming name of "Betty" have been sent to us. The boat has a registration plate of G519, but not exactly sure yet where this places her in the chronology of Simmonds manufacture. However, as a very usable boat, or perhaps a "rolling" restoration, "Betty" may appeal to someone looking for a genuine classic and a bit of fun.

I have sent an email twice to the info@ address of the Simmonds website but have not received any response, the first being two weeks ago.
I have bought a Simmonds project and I had taken some photo's and was after some advice as to where to look for the boat number.
I have looked everywhere, bulkhead, transom etc but to no avail.
All this aside, I am convinced that the Simmonds I have bought is the white and blue one  featured in the "Register" section on the same trailer.
Can anybody tell me anything about this boat?
Any idea when it last ran and where it was used, any work done on the engine etc.
It is missing seats and steering wheel.
I intend to make some seats and have them trimmed and I am also looking for a steering wheel.
It would help for me to see another Simmonds, does anybody have one near to Reading?
I look forward to liaising with other Simmonds owners and like minded enthusiasts.
My Simmonds is to be used on the Thames around the Henley area and so therefore I have to bring it up to BSS standards which should be fun.
The intended name for the boat is "BETTY'S BOTTOM" ( THERE IS A STORY BEHIND THIS)

If you contact Thumper on this site under members, you can e-mail Marcus directly. He like me runs his site on his own and he may have a glitch, which he was not aware of, so my link may help  :)

Sorry you haven't been getting the replies Betty, but I have been sending them, honest! I even sent you a full set of photos of the boat you refer to from our "Register" page, which would appear to be the same boat.

Just to avoid any confusion, the "Betty" currently offered for sale via the website (and now on eBay) and "Betty's Bottom" are not the same boat.

In case anyone was thinking of following up on the sale, just to let everyone know that "Betty" has now been sold. We had lots of interest, which was encouraging! In fact, I'll start another thread . . .


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